FIQTRY Al Haqimiey plays the didgeridoo and djembe for his four-member band Semira (Seni Milik Rakyat) but on Sundays, the 21-year-old goes to the market, collects free vegetables from the sellers and cooks them for the homeless.
Coordinating an NGO called Food not Bombs Kuala Lumpur (FNBKL), Fiqtry and six other people, including his band members, cook vegetarian food at the FNBKL centre in Robson Heights, Taman Seputeh from 2pm to 5.30pm and then distribute the food to the homeless and destitute at Jalan Bukit Nenas, Kuala Lumpur.
(Wednesday, March 29 2006)
I heard about them from a friend some time ago,and it's amazing how dedicated some people are.Charity work will always amaze me as it requires you to put extreme effort in order to make it work and also bring the effects that you want.I don't think people do enough for society because even stories like the above occur only once in awhile.Not that i'm doubting the existence of many good samaritans out there who are ever willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it.But you know how things are,it's never enough.Even the occasional beggars who ask for money from table to table gets turned away.I guess some people think they are putting up a front,'pretending' to be crippled or blind in order to get some sympathy.I guess you could never really be sure,just have faith in the human kind.haha.But anyway,it would be really nice to get involved in any form of charity work.So maybe we could encourage each other to do so! ;p
The idea of recycling has always appealed to me as it offers a solution to the answer of where does all the rubbish go.I mean,i look at the amount of plastic rubbish alone i generate in a day and i shudder.Times that with the whole population of Malaysia,not to mention the whole world and its like wowhh.It's just amazing the amount of non-biodegradable rubbish we produce.So why not recycle?It is for our own good right?I applaud malls which have recycling bins like Ikano Power Centre in Damansara.It actually encourages consumers to practice recycling,even if it's only in the mall but hey,that's a start right?But sometimes there are irresponsible people who do not throw the types of rubbish into their respective bins.I don't know why but i guess not everything can go perfectly.Which comes back to the main question.Why can't our country be more serious in handling our rubbish?I mean,the decreasing amount of space to chuck them away had some people worried a few years back,and i heard about trips being made to countries who successfully carry out their recycling programs.Then nothing.Nada.Nyet.What happened?Is it still in progress?What's going on?A friend says that it's takes a lot of time,cost,technology to start this whole recycling thing but what are we waiting for?Till we finally run out of space and grounds to dig,or till our rivers or lakes or oceans becomes a dumping ground (It is already isn't it?) I mean ,yeah,it's easy to talk about it and all but to carry it out takes a lot more and that is exactly what we don't have.We've achieved so much and yet we still have doubts about doing things that would actually benefit us.Is it because recycling takes too much effort and we can't really gain any profit from it that we think that it is not a worthwhile cause to fight for?For me,i think that recycling is a brilliant idea and if only we are encouraged to recycle more,and also provided with the facilities and also the knowledge,well,wouldn't it be a better world? :) I'm trying it out and mind you i'm not an expert on the subject.In fact,i'm still having trouble identifying a proper recycling center but i don't think that should stop me.Till then,lets try this recycling thing.Once we get used to it it'll probably be a breeze ;p
http://www.kitarsemula.com/RecyclingCentre.asp (it's a dead link!anyone has any suggestions as to where we can check out our nearest recycling center,other information about recycling etc.thanx!) this might be something worth looking into : http://www.reach.org.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=47 (