freedom of speech (FOS) is forever an issue with several communities around the world.some demand for it,others think it is a recipe for disaster.unfortunately, FOS is not something we can measure or control easily.Even looking up for the meaning of FOS offers thousands of different perspectives,each with its own definition of what it is,the philosophy behind it,and how it is expressed.I define FOS as the freedom to speak your mind,what you think,whatever, with no restrictions whatsoever.FOS in my perspective is being able to say anything i want,for instance,in this blog,without worrying about red-tapes and restrictions so that the public will be able to read everything I am saying and be able to respond in a way they want to.And in a way,I already have my FOS right,noone's telling me to stop it or slap me with an arrest or anything like that right?That's what I mean by how broad the definition of FOS can be,it just depends on how you apply it to the situation I guess.Some might also relate FOS to freedom of expression (FOE) as they are closely related and often used in the same context.Independent newspapers demand their rights to FOS as their publication is controlled politically by the governing party.They demand that the laws pertaining to FOS be amended, if not taken out altogether,so that they are allowed to publish their independent views.Now,for FOS right,it no longer becomes FOS when you control it right?So,when it says FOS is allowed,then there should be no rules,regulations or law for it should it?Because then FOS is given but not after making the speech.Get what I'm saying?So, how relevant is FOS in our society today?Given the peaceful conditions we are living in, it is important to maintain that so there is no way FOS is to be allowed because it can promote uncertainty,anger,instability etc if certain sensitive issues are to be released to the public.Back in the hey-days of activism (you know,everyone was a hippie ,smoked weed and joined demonstrations) it was all about FOS back then.We demanded for our rights and exclaimed our disagreements with how things are back then. But now,is FOS really relevant?what do we hope to achieve with FOS now?is FOS now the same as it used to be before?