Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is well known that half the people who smoke regularly today – about 650 million people – will eventually be killed by tobacco. Equally alarming is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked die each year from diseases caused by breathing second-hand tobacco smoke - taken from WHO
There are things that is totally out of our hands,things that we cannot control like natural disasters,which could cause severe catastrophes.And then there are things which we can control,choices we can make.We control the hand which lights up the cigarette or stub it out.Even if you love smoking so much,then think of the loved ones around you.Girlfriend,wife,daughter...because of you they've become smokers too.Noone can force anyone to do anything cause it's all about choice.So choose to put out that cigarette ;p
maz go watch thank you for smoking. you will probably die after watching it. or u might not hate smoking. haha
~~Merokok membahayakan kesihatan~~
~~Dilarang menjual rokok kepada yang berumur di bawah 18 tahun~~
~~Dilarang merokok disini~~
~~Smoking area~~
last but not least.
~~Gaya Mutu Keunggulan~~
sometimes doctor said, smoking is good for ur health.
government pun tak kisah pasal ni.
ekonomi malaysia pun byk bergtg dgn penjualan rokok dimalaysia.
Malaysia? naa..i think satu dunia kot..huhu
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