I was inspired by a column in The Star newspaper written by Koh Lay Chin.It was titled 'Flawed maybe,but the system works here' and her thoughts exactly mirrored mine.
*Koh Lay Chin writes for NST.sorry.my mistake :)
"Voting is a symbolic and physical act of love and commitment to one's nation, a relationship you renew and re-evaluate every four or five years. Whether the love counts or can be trusted, one may never know. But you act on it, you fight, trust and keep your fingers crossed, regardless. Democracy is an excruciating, poetic and sinuous labour of love - one person's vote is an actual act of engagement and a symbolic pact of hope. One must believe that his or her one vote counts"
Now,I do not openly support any political parties and I probably never really will. This Saturday will be my first time voting and how exactly will I come to a decision?Let's make it simple. I am comfortable where I am now.I am able to get an education.I can walk the streets without fear of bombings. My friends who have graduated are able to get good jobs. I am contented with the way things are run now. Do I have faith that if other people were to take charge instead,would they do a better job?No.So that is how I will vote.
What do I know of politics?Nothing.I have no idea of how things are run,regardless of the numerous legislations and procedures to follow but what really goes on up there,I really don't know. Basically what most people have (especially during election time) are just stories being passed from mouth to mouth, and we all know what happens in a game of Chinese Whispers. Fact of the matter is, the situation can get down and dirty. And I will never really know what is real and what is not. Even the voting system is put under the microscope and scrutinized from every aspect. It's a flawed system, but I think they've handled it the best they can. The Election Commission consists of a bunch of people,and just like us,they're prone to mistakes. I read an article about how Malaysians are denied the rights to vote fairly and with justice.Hmm.Truth be told,from what I can see,they are given the right to vote.It's just a matter of whether they want to or not.Some of them did not even register although they are way past the eligible age of voting.So what's the story morning glory?
I do believe in the voting system,and as rational,logical and mature thinking rakyats we are, we should express our feelings through our votes. Not by tearing down or vandalising the posters of those who we do not support.There are always chances of a new government or new faces ruling the country.If there is,then I shall welcome them with open arms.Change is always good.That's the whole point of the voting system.Voice out your opinions there.By forever harping on how screwed up the whole system is,how do we expect to change anything?What makes you think,that in the hands of other people,the system would be better than it is? It's all about thinking things through and analyzing what's good for you, your loved ones and your country.
Till then, Happy Voting Malaysia!
i dont believe in a politic scene here in malaysia nowadays.hence, i did not go for a vote on that day.i dont even care if people accused me penderhaka, rebellous or anarchist.
but, something special was happened on that night.
the other voices have been rised.
Koh Lay Chin writes for NST, lah.
NST ya?sorry,my mistake then
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